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Симфония № 1 (1994)
«Farewell, Russia» (1994). Chamber ensemble.
Duration: 26′
Instrumentation: picc; 2 Fl; Vibroph.; Hp; Pn; Tam-tam;
String Quintet.
12 instruments, 11 performers (one performer for Fl 1 & picc)
Naxos, «21st Century Classics», 2003, Ref.: 8.557157

Симфония № 2 (1998)
Duration: ~ 40′
Orchestra: 3, 2, 2, 2 — 4, 3, 3, 1 — timp, perc — Hp — Str
Percussion: Bass-drum, Cymbals, Tambourine, Glockenspiel, Tom-tom, Tam-tam, Triangle.
Albany Records, 2000, TROY 397
Naxos, «21st Century Classics», 2005, Ref.: 8.557566

Симфония № 3 (2000)
Duration: 42′
Version # 1. Orchestra: 3, 2, 2, 2 — 4, 2, 3, 1 — timp, perc — guitar — Hp — Str
Version # 2. Orchestra: 3, 2, 2, 2 — 4, 2, 3, 1 — timp, perc — Hp — Str
Percussion: Bass-drum, Cymbals, Wood-block, Triangle.
Naxos, «21st Century Classics», 2003, Ref.: 8.557157
Есть версия без гитары.

Симфония № 4 (2002)
Duration: 20′
Orchestra: 3, 4, 4, 4 — 4, 3, 3, 1 — timp, perc — organ — Hp — Str
Percussion: Bass-drum, Cymbals, Vibraphone, Chimes or Bells. It is possible to use Harmonium instead of Organ.
Naxos, «21st Century Classics», 2005, Ref.: 8.557566

Симфония № 5 (2006)
Duration: 48′
Orchestra: 3, 2, 2 — 4 Hn — timp, perc — Hp — Str
Percussion: Bass-drum, Bells, Triangle, Vibraphone
Naxos, «21st Century Classics», 2007, Ref.: 8.570369
Fragment of sheet music*

Симфония № 6 (2008)
Duration: 42′
Orchestra: 3, 2, 2, 2 — 4, 2, 3, 1 — timp, perc — Hp — Pn — Org — Str
Percussion: Bass-drum, Cymbals, Tom-tom, Triangle, Vibraphone
Naxos, «21st Century Classics», 2009-2010; Ref.: 8.570003
Fragment of sheet music*

Симфония № 7 (2011)
Three movements, duration: 37′
Orchestra: 3, 2, 2, 2 — 4, 3, 3, 1 — timp, perc — pn — hp — vn solo — str
Percussion: Bass-drum, Triangle, Bells, Vibraphone, Cymbals

Симфония № 8 (2011)
One movement, duration: 16′
Orchestra: 3, 2, 2, 2 — 4, 4, 3, 1 — timp, perc — hp — str
Percussion: Bass-drum, Cymbals, Tom-tom, Tam-tam, Triangle, Bells

Симфония № 9 (2016)
Two movements. Duration ~ 33′
Orchestra: 4 Hn — Tromba B — Timp, perc — Hp — Vn solo — Str
Percussion: Bass-drum, Triangle, Vibraphone

Симфония № 10 (2017)

Three movements, duration ~ 33′
Orchestra: Piano, Timpani, Bass-drum,
String Orchestra

Симфония № 11 (2021)
Duration ~ 33′
Orchestra: 4 Hn — 3,3,1 — Timp, perc — Str
Percussion: Bass-drum, Triangle, Bells, Piano, Harp (keyboard)

«Унесу твою боль» (2015)
Dedicated to the victims of the Armenian Holocaust
Duration 7′
Orchestra: [Timp, Perc] — [Pn]- [Violin solo] — [Str]
Percussion: Bass-drum, Tam-tam, Bells
Also available version for violin & piano

«Импровизация» (2011)
Duration 5′ 40″
Instrumentation: Violin solo, Piano, Strings. It is possible to perform with Str. quintet instead of Str. orchestra.

Элегия для фортепиано и струнного оркестра (1998)
Duration: 4’40»
Albany records, 2000, TROY 397
Naxos, «21st Century Classics», 2007, Ref.: 8.570369
Fragment of sheet music*

Монолог для скрипки и струнного оркестра. (2002)
Duration: 6′
Naxos, «21st Century Classics», 2006, Ref.: 8.557674
Fragment of sheet music*

Ностальгия по Старому Нью-Йорку
Сюита для оркестра.
1. From my Mom’s Photo Album; 2. Lazy Morning; 3. The Old New York Nostalgia; 4. Lullaby for the Twins (dedicated to the victims of 9/11); 5. The Broadway’s Song; 6. The Ferry to my Dream.
Duration: 22′ 11″
Instrumentation: Sax.alto; Sax.ten.; Trp.; Timp.; Perc (Bass-dr.; Susp.cymb.; Glock; Tambour.; Vibroph.);
Pn; Strings
Piano version (1994–1995) does not include «Lullaby for the Twins».
First orch. version 1998 (also does not include «Lullaby»).
Second orch. version 2002
Albany records, 2002 TROY 397 (first version)
Naxos, «21st Century Classics», 2006, Ref.: 8.557674 (second version)

Суламифь (балетная сюита) (2004)
Ballet suite (2004). The excerpts from the ballet Sulamith.
Duration: 46′
Instrumentation: winds:; brass: 4.; 4.3.1.; Timp.; Perc. (Bells; Bass-dr.; Snare-dr; Susp.cymb.; Triangle; Tambour.; Tom-tom; Tam-tam; Vibroph.; Glock.); Hp; Pn; Organ (or Harmon.); Strings
Naxos, «21st Century Classics», 2006, Ref.: 8.557674
Fragment of sheet music*

Дюймовочка (балетная сюита)
Naxos, «21 st Century Classics», 2009–2010, Ref.: 8.570003

Суламифь. Балет (2005)
Sulamith» ballet in 3 acts, 7 scenes. Based on the story by the famous Russian writer Alexanre Kuprin (1908). It is a a very dramatic and touching love story about King Solomon and a poor girl, Sulamith, a servant from his vineyard, and the only love of his life. The libretto also includes Assyrian and Egyptian scenes, and all the events described have a historical basis, including the Great Mysteries of Isis and Osiris. Each act is about 45 minutes.
Instrumentation: winds: winds: 4.; 4.3.1.; Timp.; Percus. (Bells, Cymb.; Bass-dr.; Sn-dr.; Triangle; Tambout.; Tom-tom; Tam-tam; Vibroph.; Glock.); Hp; Pn; Organ (or Harmon.); Strings
Soprano and choir (women voices) — only in one scene: Great Mysteries of Isis and Osiris.
Ballet «Sulamith» is now available for production: full score; parts; piano version.
To listen to musical excerpts, see Naxos: «21st Century Classics», 2006, Ref.: 8.557674
«Sulamith» Ballet suite.

Экспромпт для фортепиано (2016)
Duration 7′

Осень в Нью-Йорке (2015)
Violin solo & Strings
Duration 3′
Also available version for violin & piano

Ночная Музыка для скрипки со струнным оркестром. (2014)
Duration: 11′

Концертино для скрипки, фортепиано и струнного оркестра (2012)
Duration: 15′
Dedicated to Maestro Cristobal Halffter

Фортепианные миниатюры по сказкам Г.Х. Андерсена (1990)
Duration: 10′
Insrumentation: Pn
1. The Mermaid; 2. Little Took; 3. Thumbelina; 4. The Old Tombstone; 5. The Rose from the Homer’s Grave; 6. The Clock of the Snow Queen
«Alla Pavlova Music Publishing», 1995, DIDX 037010

Прелюдия для фортепиано (1994)
Duration: 6′
Instrumentation: Pn
«Alla Pavlova Music Publishing», 1995, DIDX 037010

Летние картинки (1994)
Two impressions: Misty Morning and Summer Shower
Duration: 5′
Instrumentation: Pn
«Alla Pavlova Music Publishing», 1995, DIDX 037010

Колыбельная Иришки (1972)
Duration: 2′ 21»
1. Vln; Pn; Vibroph. (or Glock.)
2. Fl; Pn; Vibroph. (or Glock.)
«Alla Pavlova Music Publishing», 1995, DIDX 037010

Зимнее утро (1993)
Song (to verses by Alexander Pushkin)
Duration: 3′ 13″
Instrumentation: Sopr., Fl, Vc
«Alla Pavlova Music Publishing», 1995, DIDX 037010

Любовь — это мы (1974)
Song (to verses by Alla Pavlova)
Duration: 4′ 45″
Instrumentation: Sopr.; Pn; 2 Vln; Vc
«Alla Pavlova Music Publishing», 1995, DIDX 037010

Помни…, но отпусти …(1997)
Song (to verses by unknown author)
Duration: 3′
Instrumentation: Mez.; 2 Guit.; Vln; Vc;

Безмолвно пощады просят глаза (1979)
Song (to verses by Anna Akhmatova)
Duration: 2′
Instrumentation: Sopr.; Pn
«Alla Pavlova Music Publishing», 1995, DIDX 037010

Сон (1978)
Song (to verses by Anna Akhmatova)
Duration: 2′ 18″
Instrumentation::Sopr.; Pn
«Alla Pavlova Music Publishing», 1995, DIDX 037010

Я Вас любил (1998)
Vocal cycle of five romances (to verses by Alexander Pushkin, Anna Akhmatova, Alexander Block): 1.What is there for you in my name; 2. I loved you (Pushkin); 3. Evening; 4 Yellow and wide is the evening sky (Akhmatova); 5. If only She would draw nigh (Block)
Duration: 10′
Instrumentation: Mez.; Pn (first four romances); Mez.; Pn; Vln (the last one).
Pushkin and Block romances also are available for Bar.; Pn; Vln
Translations in English by Alex van Oss

Россия (2002)
«Тихо струится река серебристая…»
«Запели тёсанные дроги…»
Two romances (to verses by Sergei Esenin)
Duration: 5′
Instrumentation: Bar.; Pn

Экспромпт для скрипки с фортепиано (2008)
Duration: 6′
Instrumentation: Vln; Pn

«Мона Лиза» (2017)
Duration: 8’
For violin and piano

“Весна в Нью-Йорке. Вишни в цвету» (2018)
Duration : 4’
For violin and String Orchestra

“Весна в Нью-Йорке. Вишни в цвету» (2018)
Duration: 4’
Version for violin and piano

«Мелодия» (2018)
Duration: 2’30”
For violin and piano

“Экспромпт» for piano #2 (2018)
Duration: 4’

* Фрагменты произведений на сайте www.allapavlova.com